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BioSecure - Life Sciences

Protection against the current and emerging liability coverage needs of life sciences organizations.

What we offer

Coverages for clinical trials and sold products insureds.

Coverage highlights:  

  • Products/Completed Operations
  • Errors and Omissions Liability / Professional Indemnity 
  • Healthcare Professional Liability / Medical Malpractice
  • General Liability (Claims Made or Occurrence)

The Beazley Difference

  • Integrated risk protection package that combines coverage into one policy to endorse and renew
  • Pioneer in offering life sciences coverages
  • Market-leading life sciences and cyber knowledge


Who we can help

A wide range of life sciences organizations, including: 

  • Medical device companies​
  • Sponsors of human clinical trials ​
  • Site management organizations​
  • Academic research institutions​
  • Biotechnology risks​
  • Contract research and manufacturing organizations​
  • Pharmaceuticals/biopharmaceutical companies ​
  • Wholesale/retail distribution​
  • Blood/tissue risks  â€‹
  • Clinical research lab/diagnostic services

Where Is This Offered?


Examples or scenarios

  • The insured surgical device company manufactures a heating pad used to speed up recovery from knee surgeries. A patient fell asleep while using the heating pad, and the pad caused the blanket to catch fire, resulting in burns to the patient as well as property damage from the ensuing fire. The patient filed a lawsuit alleging that the product insert did not adequately warn of the risk of fire.
  • The insured medical device company manufactures a dermal resurfacing device that is alleged to have caused burning on a patient’s face. The insured reported that the surgeon used the product with a numbing cream despite the fact that the product insert specifically warns that using the device with a numbing cream can cause burns. However, the insured’s physician alleged that the insured had a representative present at the procedure who both instructed the physician and failed to warn him of the risk of burn from the numbing cream.
  • The sponsoring corporation alleged that the insured clinical research organization was negligent in its execution of a clinical trial, resulting in the sponsor’s drug being rejected by the FDA and a pending sale to a large pharmaceutical company falling through. After talks between the sponsor and the CRO failed to resolve the matter, the sponsor filed an action in arbitration pursuant to the master service agreement between the sponsor and the CRO, seeking the amount it believes it lost when the sale did not go through. 

Your Beazley Team

Evan Smith

Evan Smith

Product Leader - Global Healthcare

Chicago, IL, USA

+1 (312) 476 6236

Email Evan

Matthew Zagwoski

Matthew Zagwoski

Product Leader - Global Life Sciences

Philadelphia, PA, USA

+1 (215) 446 8447

Email Matthew

Natalie Mauro

Natalie Mauro

Product Leader - Global Miscellaneous Medical

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7206

Email Natalie

Keri Marmorek

Keri Marmorek

Claims Team Leader - Healthcare

New York, NY, USA

+1 (212) 801 7159

Email Keri

Heather Pfeffer

Heather Pfeffer

Focus Group Leader - US Healthcare

Chicago, IL, USA

+1 (312) 476 6215

Email Heather

Carolyn Conners

Carolyn Conners

Focus Group Leader - US Miscellaneous Medical and Life Sciences

Los Angeles, CA, USA

+1 (213) 228 7708

Email Carolyn

Brendan Tarte

Brendan Tarte

Underwriter - US Miscellaneous Medical & Life Sciences

Chicago, IL, USA

+1 (770) 351 1789

Email Brendan

Adam Moser

Adam Moser

Claims Product Specialist – Healthcare

New York, NY, USA

+1 (212) 801 7110

Email Adam

Russell Chibe

Russell Chibe

Claims Manager

Chicago, IL, USA

+1 (312) 476 6270

Email Russell

Eric Kim

Eric Kim

Claims Manager

New York, NY, USA

+1 (212) 801 7193

Email Eric

Emily Fernandez

Emily Fernandez

Claims Manager

Chicago, IL, USA

+1 (312) 476 6233

Email Emily

Alison Dobes

Alison Dobes

Claims Manager

Atlanta, GA, USA

+1 (770) 351 1729

Email Alison

Kristen Mitter

Kristen Mitter

Underwriter - US Miscellaneous Medical & Life Sciences

Virginia, USA

+1 (215) 252 9099

Email Kristen

Julia Cushing

Julia Cushing

Underwriter - US Miscellaneous Medical & Life Sciences

Remote, MD, USA

+1 (860) 677 3599

Email Julia

Jaime Latshaw

Jaime Latshaw

Underwriter - US Miscellaneous Medical & Life Sciences

(872) 910-3918

Email Jaime

Julia Lombard

Julia Lombard

Underwriting Manager – US Miscellaneous Medical & Life Sciences

Philadelphia, PA, USA

+1 (215) 252 9230

Email Julia