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Threat: Lack of continuity

A managed service is usually more efficient than trying to build the capacity in-house

A series of chairs positioned in a darkened event space, evoking a sense of stillness and solitude.

Over the past few years, many organisations have seen significant turnover and experienced trouble attracting and retaining cyber security talent. This has led to a constant need to keep cyber security teams up to speed on security measures.

Cloud services can also have quite small changes from week to week and month to month, and if someone isn’t intimately familiar with these changes, they could struggle to adapt and respond in the event of an incident. This need for continuity and expertise makes the service offerings of MXDR almost as valuable as the technology itself.

MXDR helps organisations have more consistency in monitoring their various services, even as employees come and go. It can help organisations defend against more sophisticated social engineering attacks, which target employees directly rather than simply targeting machines, and it provides continuity of knowledge and vigilance even as teams evolve and change.

Data presented in this communication is derived from global incidents reported to Beazley between 2021 and 2024.

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