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MDR / MXDR capability is a key control organisations can use against cyber threats

A row of high-tech servers in a data center, representing the backbone of modern computing and data storage solutions.

Monitoring tools have been on the market for quite some time, though each has limitations. 

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) monitors endpoints (laptops, workstations, and servers) for threats that have circumvented other preventative techniques like anti-virus software.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) goes one step further, offering 24/7 managed services to monitor, mitigate, and remediate threats on endpoints. eXtended Detection and Response (XDR) goes further still, providing greater visibility into your system environment, including firewalls, cloud services, SaaS applications, and identity systems.

As a managed solution, MXDR is the most comprehensive, integrating data and capabilities from all of these existing security tools to actively monitor, mitigate, and limit cyber-attacks. Additional components include:

  • Autonomous analysis and response across multiple surfaces  
  • Cloud-based ingestion
  • Automatic investigation and scoring beyond traditional environments
  • Cross-domain correlation
  • Actionable threat summaries for a much wider variety of situations  
  • Advanced detection, incident response and threat hunting across multiple locations

Data presented in this communication is derived from global incidents reported to Beazley between 2021 and 2024.

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