The product descriptions contained on this site are for preliminary informational purposes only. Depending on the product, products may be available on a surplus lines or admitted basis. Surplus lines products are available through licensed surplus line insurance brokers underwritten by either Beazley Excess and Surplus Insurance, Inc. or Beazley-managed syndicates at Lloyd’s. Admitted products are available in some but not all US jurisdictions, through licensed insurance brokers underwritten by either Beazley Insurance Company, Inc. or Beazley America Insurance Company, Inc. The exact coverage afforded by the products described on this site is subject to and governed by the terms and conditions of each policy issued. The publication and delivery of the information contained on this site is not intended as a solicitation for the purchase of insurance on any US risk. Beazley USA Services, Inc. is licensed and regulated by insurance regulatory authorities in the respective states of the US and transacts business in the State of California as Beazley Insurance Services (License#: 0G55497). Non-insurance products and services are provided by non-insurance company Beazley affiliates or independent third parties. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Beazley does not render legal services or advice.
Certain information contained on this site, including information concerning insurance products and services, is intended for insurance brokers only. For questions concerning insurance products and services, please contact your licensed insurance broker.
Any risk management information appearing on this site is intended as general risk management information. It is made available with the understanding that Beazley does not render legal services or advice. It should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with counsel. Beazley has not examined and/or had access to any particular circumstances, needs, contracts and/or operations of any party having access to this site. There may be specific issues under applicable law, or related to the particular circumstances of your contracts or operations, for which you may wish the assistance of counsel. Although reasonable care has been taken in preparing the information appearing on this site, Beazley accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain or for any losses allegedly attributable to this information.
Beazley Security is a wholly owned subsidiary of Beazley plc, providing cyber security services. Beazley Security does not provide insurance products or services, nor does it provide legal services or advice. Customer information may be shared between Beazley Security and Beazley plc and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries; however, such information will not be used to inform any underwriting or claims decisions of any Beazley insurance affiliate. Separate terms and conditions may apply.
The descriptions contained in this communication are for preliminary informational purposes only. Coverages can be underwritten by Beazley syndicates at Lloyd’s or Beazley Insurance dac or Lloyd’s Insurance Company (“Lloyd’s Brussels”) and will vary depending on individual country law requirements and may be unavailable in some countries. The exact coverage afforded by the products described in this communication are subject to and governed by the terms and conditions of each policy issued.
The descriptions contained in this communication are for preliminary informational purposes only. Coverages are underwritten by Beazley syndicates at Lloyd's and will vary depending on individual country law requirements and may be unavailable in some countries. The exact coverage afforded by the products described in this brochure is subject to and governed by the terms and conditions of each policy issued.
The descriptions contained in this communication are for preliminary informational purposes and does not constitute an insurance policy. The coverages described are underwritten by underwriters at Lloyd’s of London issued through Beazley Canada Limited and may be unavailable or vary depending on applicable jurisdictional requirements. The exact coverage afforded by the product(s) described in this communication are subject to and governed by the terms and conditions of each policy as issued. The publication and dissemination of the information contained herein is not intended as a solicitation, negotiation, offer or advice relative to the purchase of insurance on any Canadian risk, and more particularly is not a solicitation, negotiation, offer or advice for the sale of insurance in Manitoba, Nunavut, the Yukon or Northwest Territories.
Les descriptions contenues dans cette brochure sont fournies exclusivement à titre d’information préliminaire uniquement en Alberta, en Colombie-Britannique, en Ontario, à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse, à Terre-Neuve et au Labrador et ne constituent en aucun cas une police d’assurance. Les assurances décrites sont souscrites par les assureurs du Lloyd’s of London, sont émises par l’intermédiaire de Beazley Canada Limited et peuvent être indisponibles ou varier en fonction des dispositions juridiques applicables. La couverture exacte offerte par le(s) produit(s) présenté(s) dans cette brochure est assujettie aux conditions générales de chaque police d’assurance émise. La publication et la diffusion des éléments contenus dans le présent document ne sauraient constituer une sollicitation, une négociation, une offre ou un conseil relatifs à l’achat d’assurance à l’égard de tout risque au Canada, et notamment une sollicitation, une négociation, une offre ou un conseil relatifs à la vente d’assurance dans le Manitoba, le Nunavut, le Yukon ou les Territoires du Nord-Ouest.