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Insurance. Just different.

"We see a multi-dimensional opportunity to show our agility and grow in response to changes in market conditions whilst continuing to pursue our sustainable long-term growth strategy."

Adrian Cox

Chief Executive Officer

Our 2022 highlights

It's been an interesting year, here are our key highlights from 2022. For more information download our Highlights and KPIs using the link below.

  • Gross premiums written


    (2021: $4,618.9m)

  • Net premiums written


    (2021: $3,512.4m)

  • Net earned premiums


    (2021: $3,147.3m)

  • Net investment (loss)/income


    (2021: $116.4m)

  • Cash and investments


    (2021: $7,875.3m)

  • Investment return


    (2021: 1.6%)

  • Rate increase on renewals


    (2021: 24%)

  • Profit before tax for the financial year


    (2021: $369.2m)

Our business model

  • Statement of the Chair

    "Our vision of being a leading sustainable, specialty insurer, is both lived every day and drives our aspirations, as our products, people, platforms and culture all come together."

    Christine LaSala
    Interim Chair


  • Financial review

    "Beazley continues to show its ability to deliver strong underwriting results, with profitability continuing despite the investment environment leading to unrealised losses during the year."

    Sally Lake
    Group Finance Director
    Executive Sponsor of the Women in Finance Charter

  • Chief Underwriter's report

    “Our approach to underwriting remains consistent – our focus is on underlying pricing and risk dynamics, market knowledge and experience and standing by our clients.”

    Bob Quane
    Chief Underwriting Officer

Responsible business

We are committed to doing the right thing for our people, partners and the planet. Beyond our deep understanding of specialist risks, we are defined by our culture that values being bold, striving for better, and doing the right thing. Ambitious for our business, we are focused on long­ term sustainable growth that delivers real value to all our stakeholders, fulfilling our purpose of helping them to explore, create and build.

  • Responsible culture


    People of colour representation in workforce from 23% in 2021.

  • Sustainable world


    Reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions from -86% from 2021.

  • Positive procurement


    (Tonnes C02e/$m sales) from 75.5 from 2021.

  • Enhancing livelihoods


    (Includes monetary and gifts in kind, donations) from $379,733 from 2021.