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El Consejo y el comité de dirección

Illustration of three peoples facial profiles

El equipo directivo

Nuestro equipo directivo está formado por expertos en sus respectivas disciplinas que respaldan la creación de un negocio sólido y diversificado.

Adrian Cox

Adrian Cox

Chief Executive Officer

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7044

Barbara Plucnar Jensen

Barbara Plucnar Jensen

Chief Financial Officer

London, UK

+44 20 7667 0521

Troy Dehmann

Troy Dehmann

Chief Operations Officer

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 8066

Paul Bantick

Paul Bantick

Chief Underwriting Officer

London, UK

+44 (0)79 7034 6005

Beth Diamond

Beth Diamond

Group Chief Claims and Litigation Officer

New York, NY, USA

+1 (212) 801 7116

Lou Ann Layton

Lou Ann Layton

Group Head of Broker Relations and Marketing

Atlanta, GA, USA

+1 (770) 351 1753

Liz Ashford

Liz Ashford

Chief People Officer & Head of ESG

London, UK

Bethany Greenwood

Bethany Greenwood

Chief Executive Officer of Beazley Furlonge Limited and Group Head of Specialty Risks

London, UK

+1 (617) 239 2608

Alessandro Lezzi

Alessandro Lezzi

Group Head of Cyber Risks

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7739

Email Alessandro

Richard Montminy

Richard Montminy

Group Head of Property Risks

New York, NY, USA

+1 (212) 801 7112

Tim Turner

Tim Turner

Group Head of MAP Risks

London, UK

+44 207 674 7314

Fred Kleiterp

Fred Kleiterp

European General Manager


+41 44 200 77 98

El Consejo

En el Consejo, nuestros dos consejeros ejecutivos garantizan el mantenimiento de un estrecho vínculo directo entre la empresa y los consejeros no ejecutivos. Cada uno de los consejeros no ejecutivos aporta al Consejo áreas de experiencia específicas y exhaustivas.

Executive Directors

Adrian Cox

Adrian Cox

Chief Executive Officer

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7044

Barbara Plucnar Jensen

Barbara Plucnar Jensen

Chief Financial Officer

London, UK

+44 20 7667 0521

Non-Executive Directors

Clive Bannister

Clive Bannister

Chair, Nomination Committee (Chair)

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 8219

Email Clive

Robert Stuchbery

Robert Stuchbery

Audit Committee, Risk Committee, Renumeration Committee

London, UK

Nicola Hodson

Nicola Hodson

Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee (Chair)

London, UK

John Reizenstein

John Reizenstein

Audit Committee (Chair), Nomination Committee, Risk Committee

London, UK

Pierre-Olivier Desaulle

Pierre-Olivier Desaulle

Risk Committee, Nomination Committee

+35 31 854 4756

Email Pierre-Olivier

Raj Agrawal

Raj Agrawal

Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee

Denver, CO, USA

Fiona Muldoon

Fiona Muldoon

Audit Committee, Risk Committee (Chair)

Cecilia Reyes Leuzinger

Cecilia Reyes Leuzinger

Audit Committee, Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee

London, UK

Carolyn Johnson

Carolyn Johnson

Risk Committee, Nomination Committee

Denver, CO, USA