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Specialist Cyber Protection: For Construction Firms

Construction firms not a cyber risk? Think again.

Construction firms are prime targets with valuable data and information that cybercriminals want:

Protected intellectual property stored and shared online:

Valuable proprietary assets, architectural drawings, blueprints, formulas and equipment specifications for theft, ransom and financial gain.

Employee data kept online, in 3rd party software and in the cloud:

Access to full names, addresses, Social Security numbers, health information and bank details for theft and financial gain.

Access to larger prizes within the same supply chain:

Smaller firms are often targeted because of their supply chain relationships with larger companies.

Valuable information held in new technology and software:

More technology adoption, such as “Building Information Modelling (BIM)”, telematics and project management software means more rich data, sensitive information is accessible online for theft, ransom and financial gain.

High value tools and equipment at risk:

Cybercriminals hack into security systems and CCTV on-site causing property damage and theft.

“Imagine having to explain to a customer, contractor or supplier that their project is delayed or their plans and other sensitive personal data has been stolen or held to ransom.”

How our specialist coverages respond to the threats facing construction firms:

We protect construction firms against their cyber threats by building resilience and minimising risk

  1. Missed Bid loss coverage 
    If new business proposals can’t be submitted due to a security breach that interrupts operations
  2. 3rd party liability for Bodily Injury coverage 
    For bodily injury claims that happen because of a cyber incident
  3. Computer system coverage for Building Information Modeling 
    A wide definition that includes problems and issues with BIM, 3rd party hosted websites and design software
  4. Business interruption coverage with a Qualifying Period 
    This incorporates a qualifying period approach instead of a waiting period
  5. Bring Your Own Device coverage 
    Included because many contractors and workers utilize their own phones and tablets on-site which increases vulnerabilities

Claims examples

How our policy supports clients for the duration of the claim

For more on suggestions to reduce risk and our appetite for Construction firms, download the PDF.

Speak to your local Underwriter to see which of your clients can benefit from our Construction endorsement.