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Innovation ahead

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A move to lower risk environments signals optimism for the healthcare industry

If business leaders’ predictions are to be believed, an increasing number of healthcare and life sciences organisations are soon going to find themselves operating in medium and low risk environments. This is great news for the industry.  

Striking an optimal balance between fear of staying stagnant and not being afraid to act, a market that is operating predominantly in a medium risk environment is a market that is poised for innovation and product development. Technology is what facilitates this evolution. That so many healthcare and life sciences executives see their organisations migrating to this category speaks well to an optimistic direction ahead for the industry, and to greater integration of technology into every facet of the healthcare and life sciences sector ahead.

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Executive perception that risk will moderate itself to a comforting level in the coming months signals a sense of optimism that is great for the industry. This optimism stands to spur innovation and growth as healthcare and life science organisations embrace and think positively about technology."
Headshot of Matthew Zagwoski
Matthew Zagwoski

Product Leader - Global Life Sciences

Key Findings

Explore what a medium or low risk environment means for healthcare and life sciences organisations.

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Coming out of the pandemic, the market is increasingly focused on technology integration, and it’s important to recognise that this shift may bring risks that are different to those faced historically. These new risks are not something to be feared, but rather to be embraced so they can be mitigated and understood."
Headshot of Oliver Fudge
Oliver Fudge

Underwriter – International Miscellaneous Medical & Life Science - Underwriters

How we can help

As a specialist carrier with deep experience in cyber, Beazley is well-positioned to take this journey with policyholders. We recognise the evolution of the industry and are taking positive steps to be ahead of the curve, developing products that integrate technology and cyber risks affirmatively. With so many variables at play, our deep product understanding and ability to consider the cyber and AI aspects of risk enable us to offer dynamic global solutions that meet the needs of our clients at every level of risk environment.


The information set forth in this document is intended as general risk management information. It is made available with the understanding that Beazley does not render legal services or adviceAlthough reasonable care has been taken in preparing the information set forth in this document, Beazley accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain or for any losses allegedly attributable to this information. 

¹ AI can detect breast cancer as well as radiologists, study finds - The Washington Post