Cascading disasters
Another example of how events can cascade is a worm that launched a thousand hackers. In 1988 at 8:30pm, November 2nd, a hacker unleashed the Morris worm, an act widely considered as the first cyber-attack and an inspiration to those who came after.
Created by 23-year old student Robert Morris, the Morris Worm uncovered and exploited the vulnerabilities inherent in computer systems running a version of the Unix operating system, infecting a reported 6000 computers within 24 hours.3
No files were destroyed but the attack left its mark. Military and university capabilities were stopped in their tracks, emails were left unsent for days, and the total cost of the damage is estimated to have cost $10 million. 4
But crucially, the worm served as a wakeup call and alerted the public to a new risk – cybersecurity.