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Denis Bensoussan

Head of Space

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7844
Headshot of Denis Bensoussan

About me

Denis joined Beazley in 2014 to lead the creation and development of our satellite insurance business. Unusually for an underwriter, he can therefore honestly claim that his job is rocket science. He was drawn to Beazley by the entrepreneurial challenge of building a profitable space account. Prior to joining us he worked as a senior space risks underwriter for Hiscox in Paris and before that as a broker in the aerospace department of Marsh. He acquired space systems engineering training from Southampton University and Supaero Paris,  in addition to a post-graduate degree in Air & Space Law from McGill University in Montreal. In his spare time his passions are triathlon, mountaineering, squash and surfing.?

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