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Planning for impact

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Healthcare and life sciences organizations recognize that social inflation is here to stay

Healthcare and life sciences executives are feeling more resilient in the face of today's economic challenges, our survey data has revealed, and this sense of resilience is reflected in the industry’s response to social inflation (the rising costs of insurance claims resulting from things like increasing litigation, more plaintiff-friendly legal decisions, and larger compensatory jury awards).  Where once hospital systems were focused on combatting the trend, they have now largely accepted it as a reality and have shifted to planning for its impact.

Key Findings

How we can help

Resilience in the face of social inflation requires collaboration

Insurance companies and policyholders are increasingly joining forces to combat the effects of social inflation. This collaboration is crucial, as it allows for the pooling of resources. Individual hospitals have valuable local knowledge that insurers might lack, while insurers bring a broader perspective, drawing from state, regional, and national experiences. Moreover, insurers have dealt with numerous similar cases and are familiar with many plaintiffs' attorneys. They can provide insights on case strategies, jury perceptions, and the optimal timing for involving external experts.    

The information set forth in this communication is intended as general risk management information. Beazley does not render legal services or advice. It should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with counsel. Although reasonable care has been taken in preparing the information set forth in this communication, Beazley accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain or for any losses allegedly attributable to this information.