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Beazley Young Professionals

It is our belief that a community influenced by young professionals is a community that attracts and retains them and thus flourishes as a result. Core to Beazley's Young Professionals network’s strategic agenda is the belief that the more informed, involved and networked young professionals are, the more influence they will have on the Beazley community. This network is home to the leaders and influencers of tomorrow.

We don’t define young professionals by age. We define it as a mind set. We are a group of people who are interested in enhancing ourselves and the future of our community. We work hard, we like to socialize, we’re committed and we make the change that we want to see in our lives, our businesses and our community. Through Beazley Young Professionals, you  will have the opportunity to meet people you might otherwise never have met, learn about aspects of our business you never would have known about and participate in events that you might have never known existed. You will have access to numerous business training programs, personal development opportunities and learn about the happenings in the community that will have an impact on your life.

A group of individuals wearing pink shirts smiles and poses together for a photograph.