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Beazley Group

In an era of accelerating risk the power of true expertise is never more needed. By leveraging our global knowledge and local capabilities we can help brokers and clients outperform by managing down their risk profile through practical and value-add products and programmes designed to meet their specialist and often complex needs.

World map highlighting the Beazley locations

Beazley delivers solid results by leveraging our key strengths: our expertise-led, specialty underwriting and our knowledge based, client focused claims service.  Find out more here:

Beazley has a solid financial strength which is reflected in our ratings:


Beazley is committed to building better resilience for our clients, our communities, the environment and all our stakeholders and our sustainability strategy plays a pivotal role in delivering that.

Beazley Europe

Beazley Europe is part of Beazley Group and operates under Beazley Insurance dac as non-life insurance company.

Based in Dublin, Beazley Europe has a growing network of offices (Paris, Munich, Hamburg, Barcelona, Zurich, London and Birmigham) each operating as a hub authorised to underwrite insurance across the European Economic Area plus United Kingdom and Switzerland.

Map of Europe highlighting the Beazley locations

European Ratings

Rated Entity A.M.Best   Fitch  
  Type of Rating Rating Type of Rating Rating
Beazley Insurance dac (formerly known as Beazley Re Designated Activity Company) Financial Strength Rating A Excellent "Stable Outlook" Financial Strength Rating A+ "Stable Outlook"