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Professional Indemnity - Financial Institutions

Designed for the financial sector provides cover against acts of negligence carried out in the course of professional activity.

Products specifically tailored to meet the needs of individuals operating within the financial sector, including banking, building societies and insurance companies, to stockbrokers, clearing houses and regulated marketplace lenders.

Who is it for?

A broad range of financial institutions can benefit from our specialised professional indemnity cover, including:

  • Banks
  • Investment managers and funds 
  • Insurance and reinsurance companies
  • Building societies
  • Stockbrokers
  • Financial infrastructure and exchanges
  • Clearing houses
  • Corporate service providers

Our covers


On average we offer 15M€ limit with the possibility to increase it up to 25M€

  • Negligence and broad breach of contract cover.
  • Intellectual property infringement including breach of copyright and trademark.
  • Breach of confidentiality, right of privacy or publicity.
  • Defamation including trade libel.
  • Dishonesty of employees including for contractors that work exclusively for you.