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Aerospace Risks

Deep underwriting experience of the risks and exposures built into space activities and has developed a unique wealth of industry knowledge.

Space is becoming increasingly more crowded and competitive as private investment is flowing into smaller and agile ventures, with very different risk management approaches and exposure than the established industry giants and the state agencies.

As more start-ups enter the sector increasing competition in areas such as Earth observation, human spaceflight and planet exploration, this presents many new opportunities for the insurance industry to promote and enable real innovation in the dynamic and robust space sector .

Who is it for?

  • Satellite operators
  • Spacecraft and space systems manufacturers
  • Launch vehicle providers
  • Launch solutions aggregators
  • Start-ups and venture capital
  • Satellite transponder users
  • Government entities and Space Agencies
  • International organisations
  • Financial organisations

Our covers

Limits of 15M$ -20M$ per spacecraft and 100M$ for liability.

  • Asset physical damage
  • Space third-party liability and associated aerospace liabilities
  • Commercial spaceflight covers
  • On-orbit servicing covers
  • Loss of revenue
  • Business interruption
  • Comprehensive covers for new space start-ups
  • Moon and celestial bodies exploration/exploitation insurance

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