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Surety Treaty

Proportional and non-proportional reinsurance for both treaty and facultative transactions.

Beazley supports surety bond insurers in global economic development. We aim to become a core reinsurer providing excellent service, flexibility and innovation to promote our clients' growth. We’re not just reinsurers; our team is comprised of individuals who have all maintained positions of significant responsibility in the primary surety industry and have personal experience with all of the facets of managing a surety operation.

Who is it for?

We look for clients that have clearly defined product niche(s) within the surety-credit arena and that have underwriters who are experienced and knowledgeable within their designated segments. We work with our clients to understand their approach to risk, credit selection and portfolio monitoring. We are open to all size categories (international, national and regional) within the surety space.

Our covers

From our French subsidiary in Paris, we offer capacity Non-proportional and proportional reinsurance treaties for EMEA.

Contract Bonds which are conditioned by underlying contracts:

  • Bid bond
  • Retention bond 5%
  • Maintenance bond / Warranty bond
  • Advance payment bond
  • Performance bonds including Performance Bonds for Public Construction Works
  • Subcontractor payment bond
  • Supplier bond (payment of supplies)
  • Consortium bond
  • Fidelity bond
  • Contractor's payment guarantee

Legal bonds

Renewal energy bonds

  • We only underwrite surety bonds defined by ICISA
  • We do not underwrite financial guarantees.

Where is this offered?

Across Europe with worldwide scope