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Specialty Treaty

Beazley is a lead market for both non-proportional and proportional specialty casualty reinsurance business.

Beazley has been writing specialty casualty treaty reinsurance since the late 1980’s. We look to build long-standing trading relationships with clients who can demonstrate their investment and expertise in their market segments, through strong underwriting and claims handling disciplines.​

Who is it for?

At Specialty Treaty Reinsurance, we offer traditional reinsurance capacity for small and medium-sized specialized insurance companies, as well as larger ones, on specific portfolios. We give priority to supporting cedents with strong underwriting and claims management expertise.

Our covers

Our maximum line size is US $10 million or £7.5 million.

We offer Quota-Share and non-proportional (XoL, Stop Loss) reinsurance capacities for claims-made portfolios of:

  • Cyber
  • Professional Indemnity
  • D&O
  • Medmal
  • Transactional liability

We can also offer capacity for clash-cover type coverages in liability. On the other hand, we don’t have appetite for Auto / MTPL, GL.

Where is this offered?

Across Europe with worldwide scope