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Terrorism and Political Violence

Specialist insurance protection for terrorism, riots and strikes.

Beazley leads the market in creative insurance solutions for assets that are exposed to terrorist and politically motivated attacks. The current product portfolio responds to damage from risks such as terrorism, riots and strikes, war, and the use of nuclear, chemical or biological devices.

Who is it for?

Corporates interested in protecting assets worldwide in multiple industry sectors ranging from commercial real estate to power plants, and from retail to mining against terrorist and politically motivated attacks.

Our covers

Limits up to €100 millions any one risk for a period of up to 36 months (or 60 months for construction policies)Limits up to €100 millions any one risk for a period of up to 36 months (or 60 months for construction policies)

Political Violence

  • Terrorism & sabotage
  • Riots, strikes, civil commotion, malicious damage
  • Insurrection, revolution, rebellion
  • Mutiny, coup d'etat, civil war, war, counter insurgency
  • Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Radiological coverage

Coverage includes material damage and subsequent business interruption following a physical damage trigger.

Terrorism Liability

  • Covers financial costs to a company against claims for damages by third parties or employees who are injured in a terrorist attack.
  • Extends to third party property damage.

Where is this offered?
