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Loss of Attraction

Loss of attraction is a unique and innovative offer that meets a real demand from companies and their risk managers.

Beazley leads the market in creative insurance solutions for assets that are exposed to terrorist and politically motivated attacks. This product protection establishment's revenue against the drop in business caused by a terrorist attack that was not directly targeted.

Who is it for?

Corporates interested in protecting from business interruption as a consequence of a terrorist attack not targeted to them.

Our covers


  • Immaterial damage
  • Loss of profit


Up to €20M per year

Although the consequences of a terrorist act on life and property can be devastating, fortunately it is unlikely that a company will be the direct target of such acts. And if it is, traditional terrorism insurance cover can offer financial protection.

However, a more likely scenario, not usually covered by traditional policies, is where a terrorist act in another location has a knock-on effect on an establishment's level of business.

Beazley's Loss of Attraction cover is designed to protect an establishment's revenue following an event of this type.

It extends to establishments indirectly affected by attacks and is tailored on a case-by-case basis. Limits up to €100 millions any one risk for a period of up to 36 months (or 60 months for construction policies).

Where is this offered?
