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Management Liability

Holding a senior position in an organisation is a great honour, but in an era of accelerating risk, responsibility becomes a must.

The business liability landscape is constantly shifting, creating new exposures for senior executives at businesses of all sizes. Today they are fuelled in part by advances in technology and market developments, in part by macroeconomic and environmental risk factors. Additionally, there is the continuation of more traditionally held risks such as changes in legislation and regulation, business interruption and loss of reputation.

Our latest reports

We leverage our global knowledge and local capabilities to help brokers and clients understand the risk landscape and trends.

Business Risks

Whether navigating economic uncertainty, keeping pace with shifting societal values or remaining compliant in the face of mounting ESG regulation, the stakes are getting higher for global boardrooms.

Need a Global Solution?

Our Global Programmes offer robust coverage solutions and contract certainty for customers requiring insurance coverage and services risks located all around the world. 

Our flexible, consolidated, centrally managed Global Programmes combines carefully structured cross border insurance solutions with the efficient issuance of locally admitted policies in over 180 jurisdictions worldwide and a global team of claims experts.