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Each year our Risk & Resilience research and thought leadership reports offer insight into the key concerns of business leaders across the globe. In this report, we focus on business executives’ concerns and perceived preparedness for geopolitical risk, and our research revealed that 70% of global business leaders are concerned by the outcome of this year’s elections and how the results could impact their international operations and ability to trade.

2024 will shape global politics for the remainder of the decade. Over sixty countries go to the polls this year giving more than two billion people the opportunity to cast their vote. For many elections, the results will bring positive change, while others will polarise opinion. At the same time, we are living in a time of heightened global tension and arguably, one of the most volatile global political landscapes in decades, and the threat of political risk and violence is high on the risk radars of the global business leaders we surveyed.

Our latest Geopolitical Risk Snapshot explores what this unpredictability will mean for businesses as they grapple with increasing political risks. We also look at the essential role of insurance in helping to mitigate some of these risks before they emerge and the importance of robust proactive contingency plans.

We examine three interlinked issues:

  1. How a bumper election year could lead to a rise in political violence and property damage as views become increasingly polarised around the world and how past events provide a guide to potential future outcomes.
  2. With decarbonisation strategies growing in importance, we consider the risks associated with mining the critical minerals and metals vital to delivering the energy transition needed to meet the world’s net zero targets.
  3. How Africa, despite high levels of political volatility, corruption and civil unrest, has the potential to become an economic powerhouse, driven by renewable energy, untrammelled by legacy reliance on oil and gas. We delve into the opportunities and barriers for international investment in the continent’s electrification.

As insurers, we should step up to support our clients as they navigate this complex world.  By developing risk mitigation solutions, we can help clients build more resilient businesses and support their business operations and investments in an exceptionally challenging geopolitical environment.

“We are living through an era of heightened political instability.”

Roddy Barnett
Head of Political Risk & Trade Credit, Beazley

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“Insurance is very important to help international businesses - as it transfers the risk.”

Chris Parker
Head of Terrorism and Deadly Weapons Protection, Beazley

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Roddy Barnett

Roddy Barnett

Head of Political Risks & Trade Credit

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7525

Email Roddy

Chris Parker

Chris Parker

Head of Terrorism and Deadly Weapons Protection

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7412

Email Chris

Beazley plc (BEZ.L) is the parent company of specialist insurance businesses with operations in Europe, United States, Canada, Latin America and Asia. Beazley manages seven Lloyd’s syndicates and, in 2023, underwrote gross premiums worldwide of $5,601.4m. All Lloyd’s syndicates are rated A by A.M. Best.
Beazley’s underwriters in the United States focus on writing a range of specialist insurance products. In the admitted market, coverage is provided by Beazley Insurance Company, Inc., an A.M. Best A rated carrier licensed in all 50 states. In the surplus lines market, coverage is provided by Beazley Excess and Surplus Insurance, Inc. and the Beazley syndicates at Lloyd’s.
Beazley’s European insurance company, Beazley Insurance dac, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and is A rated by A.M. Best and A+ by Fitch.
Beazley is a market leader in many of its chosen lines, which include professional indemnity, cyber, property, marine, reinsurance, accident and life, and political risks and contingency business.
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