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Beazley Race presents the D&IQ podcast: Yikes – Parenting During the Pandemic | beazley Skip to main content

Beazley Race presents the D&IQ podcast: Yikes – Parenting During the Pandemic

February 09, 2023

Episode Three

Beazley Race presents the D&IQ podcast, an intersectional conversation with mental health professionals Dr. Keisha L. Harris and Dr. Betsy Stone on The Impact of the Pandemic on Mental Health for People of Colour.
The podcast is an intersectional three-part series on how the pandemic has impacted mental health, work life balance, families and parenting.

Yikes – Parenting During the Pandemic (Episode 3) shifts to a discussion of how parenting and family dynamics were impacted by the pandemic. Dr. Stone and Dr. Harris discuss how parents were an underserved population prior the pandemic, and the pandemic resulted in a reassessment of values in many ways. They offer a greater insight into pandemic trends, such as high rates of women leaving the workforce, experiences of working moms and working fathers, and gender norms in households. Disparity in children and adolescents are also addressed.