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Reputation can take years to build, but can be lost in mere moments. A single misstep can be magnified across social media in seconds, making managing reputation risk complex and critical.

Our Risk & Resilience research1 shows that reputation risk concerns are creeping up global executives’ risk radars, and 20% of the firms we surveyed rank this as their top business risk today[i]. And, a quarter feel unprepared[ii] to manage it.

"It's becoming increasingly difficult to navigate how much or what to say publicly, because saying anything at all carries inherent risk.”

Elizabeth Cassarino
Underwriter, Executive Risk

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[i]  This year’s survey was undertaken between 05.01.2024 and 17.01.2024 with 3,500 executives based in the UK, US, Canada, Singapore, France, Germany and Spain of varying sizes, operating in 9 broad industry sectors with international operations.  
[ii] ‘Not very well’ and ‘not at all’ prepared answers combined.
[iii] ‘Somewhat agree’ and ‘Strongly agree’ answers combined.

[2] NatWest CEO resigns after 'serious error' in Farage fiasco | Reuters
[3]'Nuclear Verdicts' Reach Record $14.5B in 2023 - Risk & Insurance : Risk & Insurance