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Winning the battle against cyber risks

A guide to Cyber Security and Cyber Insurance

New technology and digital transformation bring a huge amount of unintended and unseen cyber risks. IT networks, old legacy software and systems, cloud storage and platforms, connected devices and digital banking: the greater the reliance on technology and change, the greater the cyber threats. It’s a vicious cycle.

When a cyberattack hits, the costs can quickly spiral. There’s handling the immediate breach, data investigation and recovery. And then a great deal to manage after the incident too – repairing brand damage, court costs, external consultant fees like IT security, PR, legal, and communications, as well as potential fines or penalties. Having all this expertise in-house or on retainer can be expensive, and traditional cyber insurance that reacts to an incident simply isn’t enough anymore. In our guide we outline how it’s possible to proactively manage down cyber threats, respond to incidents and develop your cyber resilience, including:

  • The biggest cyber risks facing businesses
  • Actionable insights on how to build resilience
  • How to respond to a cyber incident
  • A ‘ready to buy’ essential checklist for cyber insurance and cyber security.
  • Why Full Spectrum Cyber and Beazley Security?

    The world of cyber threats doesn’t have to be feared. But you do have to be prepared. As pioneers in cyber risk management for over two decades, we understand better than anyone the cyber challenges your clients face. We are the only insurer that offers in house, end-to-end support from quote to breach and back again thanks to our wholly owned cyber security company – Beazley Security.

  • Together with Beazley Security, our Full Spectrum Cyber solution keeps your clients ahead in the battle against cyber risks by pre-empting emerging cyber threats, responding to them, and adapting to new risks as they emerge. It’s this constantly moving, evolving approach that makes Full Spectrum Cyber so different from static 
    cyber protection.